2023年3月28日,联想海外发布了YOGA系列轻薄本。海外的YOGA Pro 9、Pro 7、Slim 7/9、YOGA 7等诸多型号,对应了中国国内的YOGA Pro14s至尊版、YOGA Pro14s标准版、YOGA Air14s、YOGA 14c等。
- YOGA系列分为Pro序列强调高性能、Slim 系列强调轻薄,均为传统的轻薄本形态;YOGA 数字序列代表360度翻转本;
- YOGA 9系新增了高性能定位的YOGA Pro 9系列,对应国内的YOGA Pro14s至尊版,将高性能标压+RTX 40系独显的创作本纳入旗舰机系列;
- YOGA Pro 7,也即2023款的YOGA Pro14s标准版模具基本不变;YOGA 7也即国内的YOGA 14c同样为常规迭代;
- YOGA Slim 7为AMD版,后续英特尔版本将明明为YOGA Slim 9i,也即联想轻薄本当中的旗舰;
- 屏幕方面在14.5寸屏幕上新增3K OLED选项、2.5K 90Hz LCD、3.2K miniLED等选项,屏幕规格愈发奢华也更加丰富;

YOGA Pro 9:旗舰高性能,键盘手感大升级
联想YOGA 9系的旗舰本,首次引入了创意设计笔记本电脑的序列,这与以前YOGA 9系主打翻转、主打极致轻薄的定位完全不同。

YOGA Pro 9系列分为14和16寸两个序列。在国内上市的联想YOGA Pro 9应该仅有14寸版本,命名为YOGA Pro14s至尊版。从产品线来看,YOGA Pro 9推测是联想在消费电子市场较为火热的2021年立项的,全新模具与设计,下了不少功夫。
在外观设计上,YOGA Pro14s 2023至尊版 采用的刘海+Deco装饰片设计,这与ThinkPad Z13系列此前的刘海设计风格保持一致。

- 处理器为13代酷睿的PX系列,i9 13905H与i7 13705H,为高端轻薄本定制处理器系列;
- 内存为LPDDR 5X,最大支持64GB容量;
- 显卡选项涵盖了RTX 4050到RTX 4070,显卡TGP释放为80W;
- 屏幕选项上,LCD版本仍然为 3K 120Hz那块国内YOGA Pro14s 2022已经使用的屏幕,不过屏幕色域升级为P3+色域切换;新增mini LED选项,最大亮度可达到1200nit;

- 电池容量75Wh,重量1.65kg起步;这一重量水平应该算是比较适中的;
- 接口大幅度升级,支持到雷电4、全功能C口、HDMI 2.1、两个USB-A、标准尺寸SD卡槽,整体达到了2C2A+HDMI+SD卡槽的水平。

除此之外,YOGA Pro14s至尊版的键盘还有着不小的升级。YOGA Pro14s至尊版标配了1.5mm的标准键程键盘,还有微笑弧度设计。这一键盘,此前只在联想拯救者游戏本上使用过,手感与反馈应该有这较为惊人的提升。能否达到ThinkPad的键盘水平,值得观察和期待。

从YOGA Pro14s至尊版的两点来看,接口、键盘、高性能应该算是比较突出的。不过价格上,估计国内版本应该也要上万了。
YOGA Pro 7:YOGA Pro14s (标准版)
YOGA Pro 7就是国内已经上市的YOGA Pro14s 2022款的常规迭代。国内命名应该为YOGA Pro14s 2023,也就是所谓的标准版。
- 处理器升级为13代酷睿标压H45处理器,i5 13500H、i7 13700H、i9 13900H三款处理器可选;AMD版本则为Zen3和Zen 4的HS系列处理器;
- 内存最大可选32G,最高可选双通道LPDDR5x;
- 固态硬盘为Gen 4固态,国内预计将1T容量作为标配;
- 独立显卡可选RTX 3050 6GB与RTX 4050,今年6GB显存容量的显卡,对于生产力显然有着更好的支持;
- 屏幕方面,据本网独家获悉,国内版本仍为3K触控屏幕、400nit、120Hz,只是将色域提高至100% P3;
- 电池容量73Wh,重量为1.49kg,与前代基本保持一致;
- 接口上略显奇怪,相比于2022款的双雷电4,2023款反而改为一个雷电4+一个全功能C口;除此之外HDMI 2.0、USB-A保持不变。
笔者评测过2022款的YOGA Pro14s,整机的做工质感非常不错,CNC的做工一体成型,整机的机身造型浑然一体。


相比于联想在YOGA Pro9(YOGA Pro14s至尊版)上奢华堆料,YOGA Pro7(YOGA Pro14s标准版)沿用了前代的模具,相对而言应该也会更有“性价比”。
此外,在配置选择上,笔记本电脑评测网独家获悉,YOGA Pro14s标准版国内将主打核显版本,预计价位段在6000-7000左右;而将独显的配置交给至尊版。
YOGA Slim 7:旗舰轻薄本系列
YOGA Slim 7实质上是一款旗舰轻薄本。只是由于此次联想发布的为AMD版本,所以命名为7系,而非9系。另据笔记本电脑评测网独家获悉,该模具的Intel版本,将会命名为YOGA Slim 9。

此款笔记本电脑整体做工不错,采用纯C口设计,屏幕则为14.5寸3K OLED屏幕。

- 处理器选择为AMD Zen4 U系列处理器;Intel版本为13代酷睿P28处理器;
- 内存为LPDDR5x;
- 四扬声器设计;
- 70Wh电池的同时,重量为1.3kg,厚度仅为13.9mm;

YOGA Slim 7作为旗舰本,整体产品定义尚可。不过可惜的是联想消费YOGA系列的旗舰本,一直没有ThinkPad系列吃香,只能说期待吧。
YOGA Slim 6:国内的小新Air14 2023
此次在YOGA 系列当中还有一款国内的小新系列“混入其中”。
小新Air14采用英特尔13代酷睿P28处理器,2.8K屏幕 120Hz刷新率。国内版本已经上市,购买链接。此次海外发布的为Zen 4的AMD版本,将采用Zen4 U系列处理器。

联想小新Air14 2023,不再主打性能释放,而是以质感和体验为主要追求,整机风扇噪音较低,主打安静办公体验。整机做工质感,放在5K-6K价位表现不错。
YOGA 7:翻转本式微
联想的YOGA 7翻转本这一代,依然为常规更新。目前国内的翻转本似乎并不是很吃香。据本网独家获悉,由于翻转结构相比于常规的 Clamshell“蚌壳型”笔记本电脑成本要高100美元(600人民币)左右,所以存在一定的溢价。
中国国内市场对于翻转结构似乎并不感冒。此次的YOGA 7系列,更新也为常规更新迭代,更新到13代酷睿P28或U15系列处理器和Zen 4 U系列处理器。屏幕选项基本不变,依然为2.2K屏幕。

此次YOGA 7系列,如果在国内上市将命名为YOGA 14c。
附录:联想YOGA 2023春季发布的新品参数表。以下表格在电脑端观看效果更好。
YOGA Pro 9系列:国内仅上市14寸版本,YOGA Pro14s至尊版
Yoga Pro 9i (16”, 8) | Yoga Pro 9i (14.5”, 8) | |
Processors | Intel Core i9-13905H Intel Core i7-13705H | Intel Core i9-13905H Intel Core i7-13705H Intel Core i5-13505H |
Operating System | Windows 11 | Windows 11 |
Memory | 16GB/32GB/64GB LPDDR5X, 6400Mhz, Dual Channel | 16GB/32GB/64GB LPDDR5X 6400Mhz, Dual Channel |
Storage13 | PCIE Gen 4 M.2: 512GB/1TB | PCIE Gen 4 M.2: 512GB/1TB |
Graphics | DIS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX4050 Laptop GPU 6GB GDDR6 VRAM. Up to 2055MHz Boost Clock, up to 100W TGP. DIS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU 8GB GDDR6 VRAM. Up to 1890MHz Boost Clock, up to 100W TGP. DIS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Laptop GPU 8GB GDDR6 VRAM. Up to 1605MHz Boost Clock, up to 100 TGP. | UMA: Intel Iris® Xe DIS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4050 Laptop GPU 6GB GDDR6 VRAM. Up to 2055MHz Boost Clock, up to 80W TGP. DIS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU 8GB GDDR6 VRAM. Up to 1890Mhz Boost Clock, up to 80W TGP. DIS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Laptop GPU 8GB GDDR6 VRAM. Up to 1605MHz Boost Clock, up to 80W TGP. |
Display | LCD Version: 16” 3.2K (3200×2000) 165Hz 16:10 PureSight Pro IPS, 400 nits, Delta < 1, 100% sRGB, 100% P3, Dolby Vision® TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light (Hardware solution) + Eyesafe Certification, Glass (Optional Touch) Mini LED Version: 16” 3.2K (3200×2000) 165Hz 16:10 PureSight Pro Mini LED, 1200 nits, Delta E<1, 100% sRGB, 100% P3, 100% Adobe RGB, Dolby Vision, TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light (Hardware solution + Eyesafe Certification, Glass (Optional Touch) | LCD Version: 14.5” 3K (3072×1920) 120Hz 16:10 PureSight Pro LCD IPS, 400 nits, Delta E<1, 100% sRGB, 100% P3, Dolby Vision TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light (Hardware solution) + Eyesafe Certification, Glass (Optional Touch) Mini LED Version: 14.5” 3K (3072×1920) 165Hz 16:10 PureSight Pro Mini LED, 1200 nits, Delta E<1, 100% sRGB, 100% P3, 100% Adobe RGB, Dolby Vision, TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light (Hardware solution) + Eyesafe Certification, Glass (Touch) |
Audio | Dolby Atmos® 6 x Back to Back speakers Smart AMP | Dolby Atmos 4 x speakers Smart AMP |
Camera | 5M Webcam IR Camera + ToF Electronic Camera Shutter 4 x Microphones | LCD: FHD Webcam IR Camera + ToF Mini LED: 5M Webcam IR + ToF Camera All: Electronic Camera Shutter 4 x Microphones |
Battery7 | 75Whr | 75Whr |
Ports (Input/Output) | Left: 1 x Intel Thunderbolt™4 (USB 3.2, Gen 2, DP 1.4, PD 3.0) 1 x USB A 3.2 Gen 1 5G 1 x Audio Combo Jack 1 x HDMI 2.1 (6G) 1 x Square DCRight: 1 x USB A 3.2 Gen 1 5G 1 x Full-Sized SD Card Reader | Left: 1 x Intel Thunderbolt 4 (USB 3.2 Gen 2 DP 1.4, PD 3.0) 1 x USB Type-C™ Full Function (USB 3.2 Gen 1, DP 1.2 PD 3.0) 1 x HDMI 2.1 (12Gbps) 1 x Full Sized SD Card ReaderRight: 1 x USB A 3.2 Gen 1 with BC 1.2 1 x USB A 3.2 Gen 1 1 x Audio Combo Jack |
Connectivity14 | WLAN: Wifi 6E Bluetooth® 5.1 | WLAN: Wifi 6E Bluetooth 5.1 |
Dimensions12 | LCD Version: (mm) 362 x 245 x as thin as 17.9 (inches) 14.3 x 9.64 x as thin as 0.7 Mini LED Version: (mm) 362 x 245 x as thin as 18.16 (inches) 14.3 x 10.2 x as thin as 0.71 | LCD Version: (mm) 327 x 224 x as thin as 16.9 (inches) 12.9 x 8.8 x as thin as 0.67 Mini LED Version: (mm) 327 x 224 x as thin as 17.6 (inches) 12.9 x 8.8 x as thin as 0.69 |
Weight | LCD UMA: starting at 2.06kg (4.53lbs) LCD DIS: starting at 2.18 kg (4.80lbs) Mini LED DIS: starting at 2.23kg (4.91lbs) Hinge: 150° | LCD Version: Starting at 1.65kg (3.63lbs) Mini LED Version: Starting at 1.7kg (3.74lbs) Hinge: 170° |
Color10 | Storm Grey/Tidal Teal | Storm Grey/Tidal Teal |
YOGA Pro 7系列:YOGA Pro14s标准版
Yoga Pro 7i (14.5”, 8) | Yoga Pro 7 (14.5”, 8) | |
Processors | Intel Core i5-13500H Intel Core i7-13700H | AMD Ryzen R5-7535HS AMD Ryzen R7-7735HS AMD Ryzen R5-7640HS AMD Ryzen R7-7840HS |
Operating System | Windows 11 | Windows 11 |
Memory | LPDDR5/LPDDR5X: 15G/32G, 5200Mhz, Dual Channel | LPDDR5/LPDDR5X: 16GB, 6400Mhz, Dual Channel |
Storage13 | PCIE Gen 4 M.2: 512GB/1TB | PClE Gen 4 M.2 SSD 512GB/1TB |
Graphics | UMA: Intel IrisXeDIS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU 6GB GDDR6 VRAM. Up to 990MHz Boost Clock, up to 58W TGP.DIS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4050 Laptop GPU 6GB GDDR6 VRAM. Up to 1605MHz Boost Clock, up to 55 TGP. | UMA Integrated Radeon™ GraphicsDIS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU 6GB GDDR6 VRAM. Up to 990Mhz Boost Clock, up to 58TGP.DIS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4050 Laptop GPU 6GB GDDR6 VRAM. Up to 1605MHz Boost Clock, up to 55 TGP. |
Display | 14.5” 2.5K (2560×1600) 90Hz, 16:10 LCD IPS, 350 nits, 100% sRGB, Dolby Vision, TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light (Hardware solution) + Eyesafe Certification, Matte14.5” 3K (3072×1920) 120Hz, 16:10 PureSight Pro LCD IPS, 400 nits, Delta E<1, 100% sRGB, 100% P3, Dolby Vision, TÜV Low Blue Light Certification, Eyesafe Certification, Matte | 14.5” 2.5K (2560×1600) 90Hz, 16:10 LCD IPS, 350 nits, 100%sRGB, Dolby Vision, TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light (Hardware solution) + Eyesafe Certification, Matte14.5” 2.5K (2560×1600) 90Hz, 16:10 LCD IPS, 350 nits, 100%sRGB, Dolby Vision, TÜV Low Blue Light Certification, Eyesafe Certification, Glass14.5” 3K (3072×1920) 120Hz, 16:10 PureSight Pro LCD IPS, 400 nits, Delta E<1, 100% sRGB, Dolby Vision, 100% P3, TÜV Low Blue Light Certification, Eyesafe Certification, Matte |
Audio | 4 x speakers Dolby Atmos | 4 x speakers Dolby Atmos |
Camera | FHD Webcam IR Camera + ToF Camera Shutter 4 x Microphones | FHD Webcam IR Camera + ToF Camera Shutter 4 x Microphones |
Battery7 | 73Whr with Rapid Charge Express8 (15mins charge/3 hours) | 73Whr with Rapid Charge Express8 (15mins charge/3 hours) |
Ports (Input/Output) | Left: 1 x USB Type-C® Intel Thunderbolt 4 1 x USB Type-C Full Function (USB 3.2 Gen 2 PD3.0 DP1.4) 1 x HDMI 2.1 6GbRight: 1 x Audio Combo Jack 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type A | Left: 1 x USB Type-C Full Function (USB4.0 Gen 1 PD3.0 DP1.4) 1 x USB Type-C Full Function (USB3.2 Gen 1 PD3.0 DP1.4) 1 x HDMI 2.1 6GbRight: 1 x Audio Combo Jack 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type A |
Connectivity14 | WLAN: Wifi 6E Bluetooth 5.1 | WLAN: Wifi 6E Bluetooth 5.1 |
Dimensions12 | (mm) 326 x 227 x as thin as 15.6 (inches) 12.8 x 8.9 x as thin as 0.61 | (mm) 326 x 227 x as thin as 15.6 (inches) 12.9 x 8.9 x as thin as 0.61 |
Weight | Starting at 1.49Kg (3.28lbs) Hinge: 180° | Starting at 1.49Kg (3.28lbs) Hinge: 180° |
Color10 | Tidal Teal/Storm Grey | Tidal Teal/Storm Grey |
YOGA 7系列:国内仅14寸会上市,即YOGA 14c
Yoga 7i (14”, 8) | Yoga 7i (16”, 8) | |
Processors | Up to 13th Gen Intel Core i5/i7 -P28 Up to 13th Gen Intel Core i5/i7 -U15 | Up to 13th Gen Intel Core i5/i7 -P28 Up to 13th Gen Intel Core i5/i7 -U15 |
Operating System | Windows 11 | Windows 11 |
Memory | 8GB/16GB LPDDR5, Dual Channel 5200Mhz | 8GB/16GB LPDDR5, Dual Channel 5200Mhz |
Storage13 | PCle SSD Gen 4: 512GB/1TB | PCle SSD Gen 4: 256GB/512GB/1TB |
Graphics | UMA: Intel Iris Xe | UMA: Intel Iris Xe |
Display | 14″ 2.8K (2880 x 1800) OLED PureSight, 90Hz 16:10, 400 nits, 100% DCI-P3, Dolby Vision, 10-point Multi-touch Glass14″ WUXGA (1920 x 1200) OLED, 60Hz 16:10, 400 nits, 100% DCI-P3, Dolby Vision, 10-point Multi-touch Glass14″ 2.2K (2240 x 1400) LCD, 60Hz 16:10, 300 nits, 100% sRGB, Dolby Vision, 10-point Multi-touch Glass | 16” 2.5K (2560×1600) LCD, 400 nits, 100% sRGB, Dolby Vision, 60Hz, 16:1016” (1920×1200) -WUXGA, 300 nits, 45% NTSC, 60Hz, 16:10, Dolby Vision, 10-point multi-touch glass |
Audio | 2x2W speakers Dolby Atmos | 2x2W speakers Dolby Atmos |
Camera | 1080P FHD IR RGB Camera with Privacy Shutter | 1080P FHD IR RGB Camera with Privacy Shutter |
Battery7 | 71Whr LCD: 12 hours (MobileMark® 2018)7 17 hours (video playback) OLED: 10.5 hours (MobileMark 2018) 15.5 hours (video playback) | 71Whr Local Video Playback: up to 20 hours Mobile Mark 2018: 11.5 hours7 |
Ports (Input/Output) | 1 x USB-A (USB 3.2 Gen 1) 2 x USB-C 1 x HDMI 1.4b 1 x MicroSD Card reader 1 x Audio Combo Jack 1 x NOVO button (used to restart PC, on D cover) | 2 x USB-A (USB 3.2 Gen 1) 2 x USB-C 1 x HDMI 1.4b 1 x MicroSD Card reader 1 x Audio Combo Jack 1 x NOVO button (used to restart PC, on D cover) |
Connectivity14 | WLAN: Intel Wifi 6e Bluetooth: 5.2 | WLAN: Intel Wifi 6e Bluetooth: 5.2 |
Dimensions12 | (mm) 317.87 x 222.50 x as thin as 16.49 (inches) 12.5” x 8.7” x as thin as 0.6” | (mm) 355.98 x 250.12 x as thin as 16.99 (inches) 14” x 9.8” x as thin as 0.6” |
Weight | OLED: Starting at 1.49kg (3.28lbs) LCD: Starting at 1.55kg (3.41lbs) | Starting at 1.98Kg (4.3lbs) WUXGA: Starting at 2.04kg (4.49lbs) |
Optional | Fingerprint Reader Lenovo CO2 Offset Service | Fingerprint Reader Lenovo CO2 Offset Service |
Yoga 7 (14”, 8) | Yoga 7 (16”, 8) | |
Processors | AMD Ryzen 7000U R7/R5 | AMD Ryzen 7000U R7/R5 |
Operating System | Windows 11 | Windows 11 |
Memory | 8GB/16GB LPDDR5 Dual Channel 6400Mhz | 8GB/16GB LPDDR5 Dual Channel 6400Mhz |
Storage13 | 256GB/512GB Pcle Gen 4 M.2 SSD | 256GB/512GB Pcle Gen 4 M.2 SSD |
Graphics | UMA | UMA |
Display | 14” 2.8K (2880 x 1800) OLED PureSight, 90Hz 16:10, 400 nits, 100% DCI-P3, Dolby Vision, 10-point Multi-touch Glass14” WUXGA (1920 x 1200) OLED, 60Hz 16:10, 400 nits, 100% DCI-P3, Dolby Vision, 10-point Multi-touch Glass14” 2.2K (2240 x 1400) LCD, 60Hz 16:10, 300 nits, 100% sRGB, Dolby Vision, 10-point Multi-touch Glass | 16” WUXGA (1920 x 1200) LCD, 60Hz 16:10, 300 nits, 45% NTSC, Dolby Vision, 10-point Multi-touch Glass |
Audio | 2x2W speakers Dolby Atmos | 2x2W speakers Dolby Atmos |
Camera | 1080P FHD IR RGB Camera with Privacy Shutter | 1080P FHD IR RGB Camera with Privacy Shutter |
Battery7 | Battery (71WHr, 4-Cell)LCD Local Video Playback: Up to 19 Hrs MobileMark 2018: Up to 13.5 Hrs OLED Local Video Playback: Up to 15.5 Hrs MobileMark 2018: Up to 12.5 HrsWUXGA OLED Local Video Playback: Up to 19 Hrs MobileMark 2018: Up to 14 Hrs | Battery (71WHr, 4-Cell)WUXGA Local Video Playback: Up to 20 Hours MobileMark 2018: Up to 13.5 Hours |
Ports (Input/Output) | 1 x USB-A (USB 3.2 Gen 1) 2 x USB-C 1 x HDMI 1.4b 1 x MicroSD Card reader 1 x Audio Combo Jack 1 x NOVO button (used to restart PC, on D cover) | Input/Output (I/O) Ports 1 x USB-A (USB 3.2 Gen 14) 1 x USB-C (USB4 Gen 3/DP 1.4a/PD 3.0) 1 x HDMI 1.4b 1 x MicroSD Card Reader (UHS-1(104) PCIe Gen 1) 1 x Audio Combo Jack 1 x NOVO Button (used to restart PC, on D cover) |
Connectivity14 | WLAN: WiFi 6e Bluetooth: 5.2 | WLAN: WiFi 6e Bluetooth: 5.2 |
Dimensions12 | (mm) 317.87 x 222.50 x as thin as 16.49 (inches) 12.4” x 8.75” x as thin as 0.6” | (mm) 362.16 x 250.12 x as thin as 16.99 (inches) 14.2” x 9.8” x as thin as 0.6” |
Weight | OLED: Starting at 1.45Kg (3.1lbs) LCD: Starting at 1.53Kg (3.3lbs) | Starting at 2.04kg (4.4lbs) |
Optional | Fingerprint reader Lenovo CO2 Offset Service Active Pen (Base Pen 3.0) or Precision Pen 2 | Fingerprint reader Active Pen (Base Pen 3.0) or Precision Pen 2 Lenovo CO2 Offset Service |
YOGA Slim 7/6:Intel版本将改名Slim 9,Slim6即国内的小新Air14 2023
Yoga Slim 7 (14.5”, 8) | Yoga Slim 6 (14”, 8) | |
Processors | AMD Ryzen Processors | AMD Ryzen 7000 Series Processors |
Operating System | Windows 11 | Windows 11 |
Memory | LPDDR5X: 16GB/32GB, Dual Channel, 6400MHz | LPDDR5: 8G/ 16G Dual Channel |
Storage13 | PCIE Gen 4 M.2: 512GB/1TB | PCIE M.2 512GB/1TB |
Graphics | UMA: AMD Radeon Graphics | UMA: AMD Radeon Graphics |
Display | 14.5” (2944×1840) 90Hz 16:10 PureSight OLED, 400 nits, 100% DCI-P3. Dolby Vision, TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light (Hardware solution) + Eyesafe Certification, Glass, Touch | 14” 2.8K (2880×1880) 120Hz, 16:10 LCD IPS, 400 nits, 100% sRGB, Dolby Vision, TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light Certification, Matte14” 2.2K (2240×1400) 60Hz, 16:10 LCD IPS, 300 nits, 100% sRGB, Dolby Vision, TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light Certification, Matte14” FHD+ (1920×1200) 60Hz, OLED, 400 nits, 100% DCI-P3, Dolby Vision, TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light Certification, Matte |
Audio | 6 x back to back speakers Dolby Atmos Smart AMP | 2x2W speakers Dolby Atmos |
Camera | FHD Webcam IR Camera + ToF Electronic Camera Shutter 4 microphones | FHD Webcam IR Camera Camera Shutter Dual Microphones |
Battery7 | 70Whr | 60/65Whr |
Ports (Input/Output) | Left: 2 x USB Type-C (Support USB4.0/DP1.4/PD3.0)Right: 1 x USB Type-C (Support USB3.2 Gen 2/DP1.4/PD3.0 1 x Audio Combo Jack | Left: 1 x USB 4.0 (PD3.0/DP1.4) 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C 1 x HDMI 2.1Right: 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A 1 x Audio Combo Jack |
Connectivity14 | WiFi 6e Bluetooth: 5.1 | WiFi 6 WiFi 6e Bluetooth: 5.1 |
Dimensions12 | (mm) 325 x 222 x as thin as 13.9 (inches) 12.7” x 8.7” x 0.5” | (mm) 312 x 221 x 14.9 (inches) 12” x 8.7” x 0.59” Hinge: 180° |
Weight | Starting at 1.35kg (2.97lbs) | Starting at 1.31kg (2.88lbs) |
Color10 | Tidal Teal/Misty Grey | Storm Grey/Misty Grey |